Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally

Australia-India Strategic and Technology Policy Initiative (SATPI) Grant Round 1

This is a preview of the SATPI Application Form (R1) form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Overview - Australia-India Strategic and Technology Policy Initiative (SATPI) - Grant Round 1 2024-25

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Thank you for your interest in the Australia-India Strategic and Technology Policy Initiative grants program (SATPI, the program).

The program objectives are to advance the Australia-India Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (Objective 1) and to address shared Australia-India strategic and technology issues and interests in the Indo-Pacific region (Objective 2).

The intended outcomes of the program are to advance engagement and understanding between Australia and India on shared strategic and/or technology policy issues by:

  • establishing and delivering an annual 1.5 track strategic dialogue between Australia and India (Outcome 1);
  • developing policy reforms and recommendations (Outcome 2);
  • enhancing bilateral and regional cooperation between Australia and India (Outcome 3);
  • deepening linkages between Australian and Indian government and non-government organisations (Outcome 4);
  • and fostering regional collaboration within the Indo-Pacific (Outcome 5).


Funding will be delivered under three streams: 

Grant Stream 1 (Flagship activity)

Funding in this stream will comprise a single grant of up to $500,000 per financial year for the establishment and delivery of an annual 1.5 Track Strategic Dialogue between Australia and India (the Dialogue). The Dialogue is intended to include representatives from government, academia, think tanks, the strategic community, industry representatives and policy makers and provide a forum to share perspectives and policy solutions on challenges facing the Indo-Pacific region. The first iteration of the Dialogue is scheduled to take place in 2024.

The successful grant recipient for Grant Stream 1 will be required to establish and deliver the Dialogue in close consultation with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Government of India’s delivery partner (expected to be the India Council of World Affairs).

Applications for this stream must meet SATPI’s Program Objectives, and must satisfy Outcome 1. Grant applications in Grant Stream 1 may be strengthened by demonstrating how other program outcomes are achieved (Outcomes 2-5). 

Grant Stream 2 (Major grants) and Grant Stream 3 (Minor grants)

Grant Stream 2 and Grant Stream 3 offer funding for grant activities other than the delivery and establishment of the 1.5 Track Strategic Dialogue. Grant Stream 2 (Major grants) refers to larger grants of between $250,000 to $500,000 per financial year for the grant period, while Grant Stream 3 (Minor grants) refers to smaller grants of between $50,000 to $200,000 per financial year for the grant period.

For Grant Stream 2 and Grant Stream 3, applications must meet SATPI's Program Objectives, and must satisfy at least one program outcome (Outcomes 2-5). Applications in Grant Stream 2 and Grant Stream 3 may be strengthened by demonstrating how more than one program outcomes are achieved. Without limiting the scope of potential grant activities, activities for Grant Stream 2 and Grant Stream 3 may include: 

  • delivering conferences, workshops, training sessions, masterclasses and other events; 
  • delivering short-term (2-6 weeks) fellowships, residencies, secondments or other scholarship opportunities;  
  • delivering policy-maker and thought-leader exchanges and visit programs; 
  • undertaking research and publishing original, well-informed, research and policy recommendation papers; or 
  • other activities which would advance program objectives and outcomes; 

You can access the Grant Opportunity Guidelines for further information. If you have any difficulties with this form please email us at


We wish you well with your application.


The SATPI Grant Round Team

Which Grant Stream are you applying for?

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